Patrick Michalik

I type symbols and command computers.

Hi, I’m Patrick Michalik. I write software—mainly for Android—and have an interest in math. I know Kotlin, Java, JavaScript, C, and more. My first languages are English and Polish.

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All Projects
VicoA light, extensible Android chart library.
OptoA light Preferences DataStore wrapper.


All Posts
Solving Initial Value Problems with the Laplace TransformJuly 10, 2023Finding the Matrix of a Linear TransformationFebruary 3, 2023The Derivative of x to the x to the xFebruary 3, 2023Finding a Modular Inverse of an IntegerJanuary 27, 2023Kotlin: fold vs. reduceMay 27, 2022Adding Modifiers Conditionally in Jetpack ComposeApril 24, 2022

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