Patrick Michalik

I’m Patrick Michalik. I write software—mainly for Android and the web—and study computer science. I work with Kotlin, JavaScript, Python, and Java. My first languages are English and Polish. Get in touch.


VicoCocreator, 2021An Android chart library with native support for both Compose and views. As its cocreator, I’m involved in all aspects of development. I’m overseeing the API overhaul for version 2. View Vico on GitHub.
Patryk & Patrick websiteCreator, 2024A React-based website for software built by Patryk Goworowski and me. It has a simple home page, but its main part is the Vico guide, powered by a tailor-made, MDX-based documentation system.
OptoCreator, 2023A boilerplate-minimizing Preferences DataStore wrapper developed primarily for internal use in Patryk & Patrick. It provides a universal preference management API with serialization support. View Opto on GitHub.


Adding modifiers conditionally in Jetpack ComposeFinding a modular inverse of an integerFinding the matrix of a linear transformationKotlin: fold vs. reduceSolving initial-value problems with the Laplace transformThe derivative of x to the x to the x


I respect intellectual property
© 2024 Patrick Michalik